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Kingdom War Defense is a middle-earth mix of goblins, dwarfs, skeletons, giants and handful of dark possessed enemies. Defend the gold in within the castle walls while under heavy enemy wave attacks.
STORY:The Kingdom was once a beautiful place to live, with lavish gardens and amazing fruits. It was strongly united and stood as a shinning beacon for all to see far and wide. But where there is good, there is also always evil. Waiting and lurking in the shadows Dark Merlin, plotted and planned to overthrow the great King. Casting a magical spell only to be undone by one brave soul, he unleaded Pandora's box and let lose waves of goblins, dwarfs, skeletons, giants and handful of dark possessed enemies to overthrow the King and destroy the empire.
MISSION:Bringing together a mix of new and old game styles, Kingdom War Defense is a sub-genre of real-time strategy role-play games. The goal of Kingdom War Defense is to try to stop enemies from crossing a map by building traps to slow them down and towers which shoot at them as they pass.
Each enemy and block tower within have varied abilities, costs, and upgrade prices. Strategy is key to defend your lives and complete each level. Earn money by destroying the oncoming waves and use it to upgrade block towers.
• Medieval twist to TD strategy games. Middle-earth creatures and environments
• Place powered magical towers to defend against enemies
• Upgrade towers to better weapons and faster attack time
• Amazing scenarios and environments with beautiful graphics
CUSTOMER GUARANTEE:We will be adding more and more features in the coming weeks with new updates. We are committed to making Kingdom War Defense (TD), role-play adventure the best available, with your help and suggestions we will improve on every update.
Download it today and have fun!
Download => Link 1
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